In the summer it is very important that this plant is kept moist. Especially during the warm days, enough water must be given every day. This is so important because otherwise the plant consumes all the moisture from its leaves, causing it to become arid and eventually die.
This measure changes in winter. If the Ferocactus pilosus is outside, it should remain dry, so that the moisture does not freeze and does not damage the plant. The Ferocactus does not suffer from a dry clod during this period, it is in a kind of hibernation. When the plant is indoors with winter, it should be kept slightly moist, so not soaking wet (as in summer), but just that the root ball feels a little damp.
Adjust the amount of water until it still feels slightly damp between 2 and 5 days after watering, and after 5 days almost dry. If it feels very wet after 5 days, wait until it is almost dry and pour again, but reduce the amount.
We advise to spray the Ferocactus weekly with water. In the summer it is best in the evening after sunset, or during days when the sun shines little, because the water drops bundle the incoming sunlight into small dots that get very hot. They cause the leaves to dry or even burn out. Occasionally spraying wet keeps the plant dust-free and prevents certain types of pests.
The Ferocactus is a plant that likes reasonable sunlight. He likes to be in full sun, but at least 1 to 3 hours of direct sunlight a day. Too much and too strong Wind can damage the leaves causing them to die faster. A little wind is no problem.
Winter hardiness -3 degrees, protect from 0 degrees with fiber cloth.
€ 125,00