Dypsis lutescens
Dypsis lutescens is a well-known palm because of its use as an inner palm. The wearing comfort and elegance give each room an exotic touch. It is a multicellular palm, that is, it has different trunks. The trunks are thin and ringed, making it look like a bamboo stick. The areca has large pinnate and curved leaves.
Scientific name: Dypsis lutescens
Common name: Areca, Palm of the golden fruits, Bamboo palm, Queen of palms
Origin: Southern Madagascar
Irrigation: The irrigation for Dypsis should be moderate, well drought resistant and prefer soil that drains well.
Temperature: La Palma triangular resistant to -2 ° C
Growth: The growth of Dypsis is fast Use and tips: it is a palm tree that prefers partial shade. It is very decorative for interior decoration. It needs well-drained soil, it is sensitive to waterlogging. It has very aromatic flowers.
€ 70,00