Agave Victoriae Reginae
It is a small agave (it usually measures no more than 50 cm in diameter) and slow growth, very suitable for growing in pots. It is a very decorative agave, it forms a very elegant rosette with dark green leaves with white stripes.
It can tolerate weak frost in dry conditions.
Well-drained soil.
Standard cactus substrate with good drainage.
Very resistant plant against arid and semi-desert areas.
In damp or rainy regions you need a greenhouse.
Multiplication: by means of propagules from the stolons or also by means of seeds.
Scientific name: Agave victoriae reginae
Common name: Queen Victoria’s Agave, Noha, Pintillo
Origin: Mexico
Irrigation: Little need for irrigation, in small pots, weekly irrigation in the summer and zero in the winter.
Temperature: down to -10 ° C. It supports frost but dry, that is, it should not have water in the rosette.
€ 20,00