Agave havardiana
Agave havardiana forms rosettes on the ground, sometimes creating runners, but not forming large colonies like other species. The leaves are up to 70 cm long, with spines along the edges and at the tip. Flowering stems can grow up to 7 m in height, with yellow to greenish-yellow flowers.
A beautiful medium-sized agave, native to western Texas, that forms a tight rosette of very spiny blue-gray leaves. It can withstand severe frosts, but needs a spot with good drainage and full sun.
Scientific name: Agave havardiana
common name: Agave beauleriana, Agave Friderici, Italian agave
Origin: Mexico
Irrigation: little water needed
Temperature: down to -15 / -20º C. One of the best agaves for cold and humid climates. One of the largest agaves with a wingspan of 3.5 m to 4 m and more.
€ 50,00