Agave Franzosinii
The original plants of this species were collected from Mexico in the 19th century and brought to Italy. There is no record of a natural distribution of Agave franzosinii. Whether it’s an unusual form of Agave americana, with which it seems closely related, or a unique hybrid that has yet to be determined.
Highly developed, widely extended rosettes, 2-2.7 m high; lanceolate leaves, narrowed at the base, 1’8-2’2 m long, 22-35 cm wide, light gray or light blue gray, variably marked with green. Scientific Name: Agave Franzosinii
common name: Agave beauleriana, Agave Friderici, Italian agave
Origin: Mexico
Irrigation: little water needed
Temperature: Can withstand short frosts near -9 ° C in open ground and -12 ° C when protected from moisture
One of the largest agaves with a wingspan of 3.5 m to 4 m and more.
€ 50,00