Dracaena Draco
Dracaena draco is a slow-growing plant that occurs naturally in the Canary Islands, Cape Verde and Madeira, where they grow up to 12m high. Forms one or more trunks with a dense umbrella-shaped crown with thick, lance-shaped long, stiff leaves.
There are many trees that attract attention because of their size, others because of their unusual shape, others because of their long life, the Canary draco has it all. For thousands of years, the mythical draconis tree has been shrouded in a cloud of mystery that still accompanies it to this day. According to ancient legend, dragons turned into dragon trees when they died. This living fossil is rightly one of the most beautiful symbols of the Canary Islands. Dracaena draco is a spectacular tree in its adult stage, but it only grows in areas where it does not freeze. If you want to grow this tree you have to grow it in a warm place because it is a slow grower. The dragon blood tree is a separate tree and ideal as a tub plant. Its natural habitat is the Canary Islands and the tree is closely related to the Agave and is also similar to that of a young plant. The name Dragon Blood Tree comes from the red sap which the plant can “separate”.
The care of the dragon tree is quite simple, namely. just water regularly. The dragon blood tree can do without water for a while, but make sure that the earth does not dry out. Repotting the ‘dragon tree’ is possible once every 1 or 2 years. It is a rewarding plant that likes both sun and shade. In our climate it would be best to keep the ‘dragon tree’ as a tub plant, put winters indoors, and outdoors in summer.
€ 100,00